United Parish is home to more than 300 members and friends who come from all walks of life and a wide range of traditions.
We are believers, questioners and doubters, young and old, LGBTQ+ and hetero, partnered and single, many with children and all who were once children, those who know what they believe and those who are still trying to figure it out — and everything in between. Some of us grew up in church. Some are spiritual but not religious. For some, this is our first spiritual community. Our life together is grounded in worship that draws from the best of Christian tradition and celebrates the Spirit found around us today.
Together we engage in programs of education, service, spiritual practices, fellowship and music—that we might grow closer to God, be drawn into deeper relationship with one another and be more steadfastly connected to the world in which we live. We rely on God’s grace and guidance to show us the Way. We created and are growing into a Vision for the United Parish built upon five guiding directions for our life together:
We are a spiritual community that draws upon the diverse and wondrous gifts of our members and friends. We care for one another while allowing others to care for us.
Read more in our Welcome Brochure.
Watch our welcome video here.
United Parish is more than a worship community. Our building is also a vibrant community hub.
We are grateful to partner with so many local organizations who use space at United Parish. Check out a list of our building users here.
You can be part of the United Parish community through worship, volunteering at the Brookline Food Pantry, shopping at Thrifty Threads, connecting with other non-profit organizations, taking a class, watching a performance, listening to a concert, donating food or clothing, attending a meeting, or relaxing in the rainbow Adirondack chairs on our front lawn.